For many years, the Milton Keynes Chinese Medicine and Fertility Acupuncture Center has specialized in natural and assisted conception treatments, as well as associated conditions such as recurrent miscarriages and pregnancy complications. Having seen over hundreds couples and assisted patients through over hundreds IVF cycles, we have a strong knowledge base and connections with some of the leading IVF clinics. While taking a holistic view and using traditional diagnostic tools, we operate in an integrated manner, working alongside consultants and using Western diagnostics, blood test results and reports to aid in our treatment.
There are many “gray” areas in fertility medicine, where leading consultants often disagree on the diagnosis and how to address treatment issues. We are able to discuss all possible options, not just the ones we offer in the clinic, so clients have a good overview of all their options. We believe that the more patients know, the better equipped they are to make informed choices to achieve their goals as quickly as possible.,
About fifty percent of the couples we see in our clinic want to conceive naturally. Some have only recently started experimenting, while others may have explored other options. Some patients hope to conceive their first child, while others may have difficulty having a second child. For female patients, the TCM approach identifies areas for improvement by observing the menstrual cycle in detail. Combined with blood tests, scan results or Western medical diagnosis, we can develop a treatment plan together. Likewise, for men, overall health is looked at to see how it affects the quality of sperm production. In fact, we see many recognised conditions in the clinic, including:
- Polycystic Ovary (PCOS)
- Premature Ovarian Failure (POF)
- Diminished Ovarian Reserve ( DOR)
- Unexplained Infertility
- Advanced Age Infertility ( age 35 and above )
- Repeated Miscarriage
- Thyroid Dysfunction
- Low Anti-Muller Hormone (AMH)
- High FSH
- Male infertility
Acupuncture is the most commonly used adjunct therapy to IVF, and many clinics recommend it along with treatment. The 2018 HFEA report states that more than one fourth of IVF cycles use acupuncture. It is primarily used to increase success rates, but can also be used to help support couples as they go through a process that can be challenging. While acupuncture helps IVF implantation rates and subsequent healthy pregnancies in IVF, other assisted conception treatments, IUI, and donor egg cycles can be supported in similar way. This includs: IVF, IUI, FET, ICSI Support.
IVF is an expensive process, and financial considerations often play a role in choosing a clinic and supplementary services. While we believe that IVF support is a specialist area that should be taken seriously, this does not mean that practitioners have the right to charge higher fees. The most expensive isn’t necessarily the best. we believe that Simin’s many years of PhD TCM Gynaecology training is the best choice for a successful pregnancy.
Acupuncture in the News:
Acupuncture and its use alongside IVF are often reported to doubles chance of having a baby with IVF and ‘boosts success rate of IVF.