Chinese acupuncture is among the most popular practices around the world to seek effective medical treatment. It originated from China about 2500 years ago and has been evolving since then for improvement of general health, preventing diseases, and it still has its roots very strong. Chinese acupuncture is a protocol that corrects the energy balance of the body. Fine needles are gently placed on the stimulated acupoints after checking one’s health.
Over the past several decades, the use of acupuncture in western countries has been on a steady rise. But what kind of conditions can it treat? Chinese acupuncture promises us good health with the restoration of harmony, energy, and order of our self.
Chronic Pain
Just to confirm its validity, this aspect has been researched the most whether Chinese acupuncture helps relieve chronic pain or not. About 15%-65% of the pain is reduced majorly for knee pain, back pain which may be due to pregnancy, physical stress, muscle tightness, or poor sleeping habits according to the study of Archive of Internal Medicine.
How acupuncture helps Migraines
As time goes on, people realize the importance of this method that has surpassed other expensive treatment modes. The mechanism involves preventing migraine and headaches through acupuncturing near the scalp, neck, and face. Recent studies have shown that it proved to be more beneficial compared to the modern mode of treatment. Moreover, as reported from migraine medicines, Chinese acupuncture holds minimum and unnoticeable side effects.
Nausea & Vomiting
Acupuncture pressure points for nausea and vomiting lie near the wrist and forearm as to reduce the sensations that induce vomiting. This is quite supportive for patients after surgeries that go through postoperative nausea.
Does acupuncture help insomnia?
Suffering from insomnia can be very harmful to our bodies in many ways. With so much stress taken, we hardly sleep the required number of times, and most of us do suffer from insomnia. One who wants to escape all the complicated side effects of sleep medicines, acupuncture is the way out! The frequency of insomnia has been significantly reduced with more secretion of nocturnal melatonin that induces sleep.
Minimizes Heartburn & Indigestion
Heartburn, indigestion is proved to decrease over time with regular Chinese acupuncture therapy. According to a Brazilian study, there was a lot of difference between the two pregnant women who used acupuncture and the one who took medications when necessary.
How can acupuncture Help to Treat Myasthenia Gravis?
Myasthenia Gravis characterized by weakness of the skeletal muscles is an autoimmune disease. Chinese medicine in this case (acupuncture) prevents recurrence and worsening of this disease.
How can acupuncture help with anxiety?
Generalized anxiety disorder includes perioperative anxiety and anxiety neurosis. Through clinical trials, there is a strong impact on anxiety reduction through acupuncture. Moreover, it is important to note that even this treatment for anxiety and stress was added to the pharmaceutical regimen with decreased medical dosage. It is indeed a smart choice to not go for anti-anxiety drugs that have intense side effects.
One Last Question, Does It Hurt?
Surprisingly, no! The needles used are relatively pain-free. Simin carefully chooses the special type of acupuncture needles, which is almost painless.
It is a form of reducing pain throughout our body naturally.
With that being said, further studies even show complete health benefits working as a great companion to other treatments as well.