Acupuncture and to some extent herbal medicine are increasingly being used to assist and improve IVF-ET treatment. While being a traditional therapy, this is one of the best examples of how it can be adapted to new situations. Also it shows how closely and successfully western and eastern medicine can work together.
Hi Simin, I thought you would like to know that I’m 18weeks’ pregnant! Thank you so much for all your help in getting my body ready, it happened pretty much as you said it would.
Mrs V. Rainsford age 43 from Essex October 2022
The study shows that the success rates for IVF conception to occur are usually between 20-30% depending on the clinic. In a German study, a 26% success rate was achieved for women receiving no acupuncture, while a 43% success rate was achieved by those receiving acupuncture. Studies in China have achieved similar results. While there have been no large European studies. Chinese reports suggest this percentage can be further increased by up to 40-60% with the use of Chinese herbal medicine. Most recently a British medical journal report suggests acupuncture can improve IVF -ET success rates by up to 65% .
Hi, Simin, meet our baby,( attached pictures), She was weighing 6lb 15oz, so not a big baby after all! but she seems like a very chilled out baby so far. We would like to bring her to meet you. Thank you so much. Emma – Bedford