Back over 3,000 years, Chinese herbalism is the oldest continually practised medical profession in the world.
Working on the same diagnostic basis as acupuncture, Chinese herbalism works by re-establishing the natural balance and harmony within the body. A herbal prescription will include several herbs working together in combination to treat the person as a whole. It is this individual designing of prescriptions that increases the effectiveness of the treatment.
Chinese herbal medicine is especially effective in the areas of infertility and menstrual irregularities, skin conditions and acute illness such as colds and flu. Herbal medicine can be used separately but is often seen in conjunction with acupuncture.
Traditionally Chinese herbs were taken as a drink by boiling up dried herbs. In our clinic we are able to provide the same treatment in powder or capsule form. In today busy world, this is more convenient method of taking herbs, requires no preparation time and is just as effective. We are providing traditional treatment for the modern world
Whether you’re suffering from pain, aching, headaches, muscular discomfort, or even issues with digestive, reproductive, or respiratory systems, a combination of Chinese Acupuncture, herbal medicine and other alternative treatments could be just what you need. Choosing alternative treatments is choosing a marriage of knowledge composed of new, scientifically accepted treatments as well as ancient, historically effective medicines that have seen hundreds of generations of use.
To call 01908 690544 to book an consultation with Simin