Being an old remedy that is still practiced worldwide continues to prove its importance in mental, physical as well as the emotional well-being of an individual. It balances the systems of our body (nervous and organ) as to bring an individual to his best state.
The best part is that acupuncture isn’t for restricted to anyone. It is for all of us to feel better at the surface and deep levels.The physical body and its health are closely related to mental and emotional life. Each one of them is connected to one another. A good example will be a missing feeling of excitement and happiness when ill or tired.
The natural tendency of the body works at its optimum health through Chinese acupuncture as it encourages a better balance of the body. Keeping its role in the prevention of diseases apart, it sure helps us in feeling more content and peaceful.
Physical Well-Being
Chinese acupuncture treats many health conditions as it regulates the function in the body, and enhances the immune system including the nervous system. Natural opiates in the body are released which enables it to function efficiently allowing the body to heal and even recover from various diseases.
Emotional Well Being
Chinese acupuncture whilst addressing physical health concerns do not leave emotional concerns behind. The acupuncturist after analyzing your situation will choose acupuncture points to bring harmony in mind, spirit, and body to create an energy balance.
For relieving pain, endogenous endorphins are released due to stimulation of this treatment according to researchers. An uplifted and calm mood is created through regulation of serotonin levels. Furthermore, according to many studies, the central nervous system is changed from the sympathetic mode, also called fight and flight to parasympathetic also called as rest and relaxed mode. This helps in relieving stress and people feel more relaxed after the treatment is done.
Stress and Anxiety
One of the widest spread mental illness we have in any country is stress. The unhealthy stress responses are resettled and the body’s system is calmed through it. Muscles are relaxed through lowering of the blood pressure once the sympathetic nervous system calms down. Neurotransmitter production in the brain for signaling of messages is also influenced by Chinese acupuncture. Overall, even the positive effects of anti-depressant medications are also enhanced.
Reasons for a poor sleep can be many and they need to be identified by the acupuncturist to address the root problem. Once the imbalance has been found out, sleeping problems can be resolved in no time.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
It is important to note that, specific regions of the brain are stimulated through acupuncture points. This can calm a major constituent of the brain that is the limbic system that controls the emotional health of a person.
Withdrawal Symptoms in Addiction Recovery
Perhaps, it is never too late to start something good and beneficial. The addictive substances in the body are detoxified as per the research. This further calms the curbing cravings, calming driven impulses thereby treating withdrawal symptoms and stimulating positive thought processes along with endorphin stimulation to be relieved.
Many people are reported to have said that this course of treatment has brought them major benefits in emotional and mental well-being and they ended up feeling surprisingly well.