Facial Acupuncture is becoming more and more popular in Milton Keynes. Simin Wei is a well-known Chinese Acupuncturist for facial Acupuncture in Milton Keynes. Acupuncture is the Traditional Chinese Medicine branch that is used as an alternative treatment for many health conditions, physically and psychologically and is also used as a relaxation therapy. This method originated in China around 2,500 years ago and is widely used today in many parts of the world. Through the use of thin needles being inserted into the skin, this therapeutic method works by promoting the circulation of the blood and relaxing the muscles and nerves. The result is a healthy and relaxed body.
Although skeptics may find it a little doubtful, years and years of proof alone is enough to make you reconsider the validity of acupuncture and its benefits to the body. With its ability to relax the mind and body through the nervous system, all health aspects would naturally follow and that is what makes this method highly effective.In recent years, cosmetic acupuncture has been introduced as a way to effectively reduce and prevent wrinkles from forming, without the need for a facelift. It is another yet interesting anti-aging treatment that has gotten many aging individuals to consider. Without the need for surgery or taking medications that can be harmful to the body, cosmetic acupuncture has become more and more appealing as it goes.
What are the Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture?
Acupuncture does not directly counteract aging and wrinkles. What it does it promote the processes of the blood and cells in a way that promotes anti-aging. Therefore, it does not only help reduce and prevent wrinkles, it also promotes good health. Among the benefits and processes of cosmetic acupuncture are:
It promotes blood and lymph circulation. Cosmetic acupuncture promotes blood circulation which would dilate the blood vessels. This would lead to a better oxygen distribution and promote cell regeneration.
It helps with exfoliation. Acupuncture helps in the proliferation of new skin cells and increases the nutrition on the new cells.
It rehydrates the skin’s external layers. Acupuncture stimulates the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands and this promotes healthy skin cell regeneration.
It allows the skin the “breathe” healthily. With the ability of the skin to breathe freely, this can ward off common skin infections, clogged pores, and acne.It relaxes the nerves and muscles. As what acupuncture is well-known for, it promotes bodily relaxation which can radiate to your face and give you a more relaxed and stress-free stance.
Things to Keep In Mind before Going for a Cosmetic Acupuncture Treatment:
Cosmetic acupuncture may be a safe approach when compared to other anti-aging procedures and therapy that may include surgery or treatment, but there are still a few things to consider before trying this type of therapy.
Acupuncture relies on the nervous system and the reaction of the body to treat. This means each body may have different results.
You should be ready to go through this type of treatment. It may be different from the regular types of anti-aging therapies and the results may not be as instantaneous.
It goes without saying that you will need to seek treatment from trained professionals. In your area, you may have several clinics who offer this therapy. Research and seek feedback on which clinic offers the best type of cosmetic acupuncture therapy.
Finding the Right Acupuncturist
As it deals with nerves and muscles, and also needle insertion to some of the most sensitive parts of the body, it takes a great deal of training to master and be certified in practising acupuncture the right way not causing unnecessary pain or bruising.
When looking for a good acupuncturist, you will need to check on a few items:
1. Look for cosmetic acupuncture clinics in your area and narrow down your list with good customer feedback. The first thing to look for into cosmetic clinics is how happy and satisfied are their existing customers.
2. Check the certification of your acupuncturist, if they are certified and had sufficient training. This is important considering this is about your skin, body, and health. We are licensed by the MK council and licensing authority.
3. Set up a meeting with your acupuncturist and get to know them a little. You will be trusting your health, and yes beauty too, to them. It is only fitting to get to know them a little more and build rapport with them.
Cosmetic acupuncture promotes natural ways of cosmetic and beauty enhancement. Natural treatment is preferable to medication. It is always better to choose the natural and healthy way. Natural anti-aging procedures, including cosmetic acupuncture, are a healthy process of keeping your skin fresh and radiant. Therefore, when the anti-aging objective is achieved, you can have a natural young glow.
It is much better than being injected with Botox as this requires the body to eliminate the toxins from the body and will pressure on the Liver and the Kidneys especially as most patients will need to be injected very regularly.
Therefore, when the anti-aging objective is achieved, you will have a natural young glowing cheeks and face.