As early as 3000 years ago, diet therapy was used in China for treating diseases. In ancient China, diet therapy was more favourable in the imperial families. It is a sign of their luxury life. As a portion of Traditional Chinese Medicine, diet therapy is very popular not only for treating disease but also for health maintenance in China today. People are aware of what they eat and what is good for their health. There are numerous high-grade restaurants serving medicinal meals in China. Chinese medicinal meals are food cooked with Chinese eatable herbs. It is a good way to take herbal medicine with favourite flavours. Food can be considered the medicinal herbs that we take three times a day. Being aware of what we eat can help to maintain internal balance and prevent disease on a daily basis. Dietary therapy provides a powerful tool for correcting disharmonies and is used in conjunction with acupuncture, herbal therapy, Tuina massage, and Qigong to restore balance to the Essential Substances, Organ Systems, and channels. Generally, diet therapy can help sedate excess, tonify deficiencies, cool off heat problems, warm up cold problems, moisten dry problems, and dry up excess dampness. Symptoms describe what you feel when you are not well. Signs are the manifestations of disharmony that guide Chinese medicine practitioners when identifying and diagnosing particular imbalances. Chinese Diet Therapy follows the same principles and theories of Traditional Chinese medicine. Watching your diet and eating medicinal meals is good for everybody and all kinds of health conditions. For certain conditions, diets are as important as medicine. For example, diabetes, obesity, nephritis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, chronic hepatitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer, gall bladder problems, diarrhoea, constipation, haemorrhoids, prostate disease, and allergy-related problems.
One of Simin We’s Favorate recipes
Eight-Treasure Zhou (Porridge):
- Shan Yao (Chinese Yam): 10 Grams
- Lian Zi (lotus seeds): 10 Grams
- Yi Yi Ren (Pearl Barley): 10 Grams
- Bai He (Lily Bulb): 10 Grams
- Lu Dou (Mung Bean): 30 Grams or 1 OZ
- Gou Qi Zi (Wolfberry): 10 Grams
- Da Zao (Chinese Dates): 10 Pieces
- Rice: Half Cup
Preparation: Mix all above ingredients in a cooking pot or a crock-pot. Add 4 or 5 cups of water. Boil and simmer about 1 hour (simmer overnight if use a crock-pot). Proper amount of Bing Tang (Rock candy) can be added for flavor. Serves 2 or 3 people. It can be breakfast, lunch, or supper. It can be served with other dishes.
Functions: It is light and easy to digest. It is good for protecting the stomach and strengthening digestion. It benefits energy and helps you sleep. This recipe is also good for people with diabetes.
We offer Diet Therapy for some health conditions in our Clinic: Milton keynes Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Center 01908 690 544 N.T: Patient needs to have initial consultation before any diet Therapy.